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6 Things To Consider Before Getting Laser Eye Surgery

6 Things To Consider Before Getting Laser Eye Surgery

March 21, 2022

6 Things To Consider Before Getting Laser Eye Surgery-picture

Like any medical procedure it’s always important to ask yourself a number of questions before undergoing a procedure. These questions will help you to determine if laser eye surgery is a procedure to explore for you.


Here’s six things to consider before getting laser eye surgery.


Why Do You Want It?

If you’re considering laser eye surgery then you probably already have a good idea as to why you may want it. If you wear glasses or contact lenses and are sick of relying on them for daily activities well then laser eye surgery may allow you to say goodbye to the glasses and contact lenses for good! It’s important to note that if you’re suffering from dry eye or corneal disease that laser eye surgery won’t provide a cure for this and you’ll need to speak to your ophthalmologist about how to manage dry eye/ other corneal diseases and if they will impact your suitability for laser eye surgery.


How Soon Can I Get Laser Eye Surgery

Before undergoing any form of laser eye surgery you will first need to have your eyes tested to determine what type of laser might be the best solution for you. Your ophthalmologist will be able to talk you through what your results show and what is the best course of action for your case. Once you have confirmed with your ophthalmologist which laser procedure you are suitable for, you can select the surgery date that suits you best. Most patients have surgery 2-4 weeks after their consultation. You will have to refrain from wearing contact lenses for one week before the procedure.

Choosing The Right Clinic

This is probably one of the most important factors you should consider when you’re planning to get laser eye surgery. Consider your clinic and surgeon carefully. Do your research beforehand and look up reviews and testimonials from the clinic. This will give you a good idea of the clinic and the results they have achieved for others. You can judge a lot from a clinic website. Is the information clear and easy to understand? The best clinics will be happy to take time to ensure their patients are well informed..It is important to choose a surgeon that you trust and feel comfortable asking questions about laser eye surgery so that you fully understand the procedure. It is also important to look at the clinic aftercare and how your recovery after the procedure will be monitored. .

When Is The Best Time To Have Laser?

The best time to have your laser eye surgery is whenever you feel comfortable. It might be best to avoid laser eye surgery before you might be competing in a contact sport or if you’re planning on going on holiday. Discuss this with your surgeon and they will best advise on when they think might be the most suitable time for you.


Is There Much Down Time?

Fortunately laser eye surgery is quite minimally invasive which means there is very little downtime. Once your procedure is completed you can go home the same day. You will be advised to take it easy for a week or so and avoid any strenuous activities. After a week has passed you can gradually ease yourself back into your normal routine.

If you have any further questions about laser eye surgery then please don’t hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be more than happy to assist you.