Open your eyes to clearer vision

Take the self test to see which treatment best suits you and begin your journey to clearer vision through our LIFESTYLE VISION DESIGN protocol

Life without glasses/contact lenses

LIFESTYLE VISION DESIGN - What matters to you?

Wellington Eye Clinic is dedicated to help you achieve visual freedom through our LIFESTYLE VISION DESIGN approach utilizing participatory medicine to guide you to the very best option for your lifestyle, needs and desires.

Patient having eye exam

Patient Resources

For GPs or Ophthalmologists looking to refer patients to our clinic or for anyone who just wants to access patient-friendly videos that simplify complex information

Why choose Wellington?

years helping people see better

patients treated

years experience for our lead surgeon

(Laser Vision Correction)

As a Doctor I can appreciate the level of research the clinic have carried out into understanding the patient's journey. From my initial phone call to book a consultation, through various assessments and finally a consultation with Mr Cummings; the process was extremely efficient and professional. Mr Cummings preempted most of my questions and answered any new ones in great detail. I left the clinic well informed and knew I was in good hands. His skill is well known but his enthusiasm and ability to reassure was what stood out. On the day of surgery I arrived at 3 pm. The Lasik procedure itself only took around 15 minutes. I was well informed of every step of the process. Immediately after the Lasik I could see the clock on the clinic wall in almost perfect detail. I had minimal discomfort in the hours that followed but was armed with the appropriate eye drops in anycase. Only a few hours later on the night of the surgery I could see perfectly. A text from Mr Cummings to check in was a nice touch. In the two weeks since my Lasik the impact has been immense. Now the day starts when I wake up rather than when I put in my contact lenses after 20 minutes of clumingsly scrambling to get ready for the day ahead. The many benifits of Lasik are obvious, but for me being able to play with the kids without having to consider if I have my glasses on or need to find the contacts and working nights without worrying about falling asleep in my lenses leading to dry eyes or conjunctivitis are just two simple but life changing benifits of Laser eye surgery. As a Doctor, I researched all potential Clinics and Surgeons. This was time consuming but a necessity to ensure my eyes were in the care of the best possible team. Objectively and subjectively the Wellington Eye Clinic lead the way. I can't recommend Lasik and the Wellington Eye Clinic highly enough.

Wellington Team in Beacon Clinic

The Wellington Eye Clinic Team

Meet the team that is ready to help you start your journey to LIFESTYLE VISION DESIGN. We will, together with you in a process called participatory medicine, design the best solution for vision to suit your lifestyle, needs and desires.

World College of Refractive Surgery & Visual Sciences
Globally Accredited

By the World College of Refractive Surgery & Visual Sciences